You pay rent on time every month. That’s great! But guess what? Your credit score isn’t positively affected because those payments aren’t automatically reported to credit bureaus. And better credit can mean a healthy financial future with more options. Surprised? Well, there’s something you can do about it—with automated Rent Reporting!
Available in Buildium’s Resident Center, Rent Reporting allows you to easily report your rent payments to all 3 major credit bureaus —Equifax®, Experian®, and TransUnion®. Every time you pay your rent on time, it will be added to your credit report, helping you build your credit score, without any negative effects.

3 Reasons to Report Your Rent:
Only on-time payment activity will be reported to all 3 major credit bureaus automatically—Equifax®, Experian®, and TransUnion®.
A good credit score helps you stand out from other applicants, making it even easier to rent your next great place.
Better credit means lower interest rates and more money in your pocket so you can afford the things you really want.
Resident Center’s Rent Reporting service is simple and easy to use. All you have to do is sign up for $4.99/month, connect your lease and payment information, and the rest is taken care of for you. Don’t let your responsible rental behavior go unnoticed any longer.
Sign up for Rent Reporting and start building your credit score today →
1. This is subject to change without prior notice, but residents’ monthly rental payments will be reported to at least one of the three major bureaus during their subscription to Rent Reporting, powered by Buildium.
2. Please note, Buildium is not a credit bureau and does not have direct influence over any aspect of credit bureau consumer profiles or credit scores calculated by the bureaus. Each bureau to which we report your rental payment information will determine, in its sole discretion, whether and how to use that information.
3. USA Today (2019)
4. Alternative Data Such as Rent Payment Reporting Bridges the Gap for Unscorable Consumers and Increases Financial Inclusion Opportunities. TransUnion (2021) Visit Resident Center for more information.
5. This service is provided by Buildium and is in no way affiliated with Exact Property Management. Any information or assistance offered is solely related to Buildium’s offerings and not associated with the services of Exact Property Management.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or require any additional information.